Final report

In this report I will give my opinions, reflections and the feelings I have experienced during this course. I will share my thoughts about different assignments that we have done, also about those assignments that I personally had difficulties during the process. 

The assignments were as entertaining as difficult but despite that we have learned something valuable that we will need in the near future. At the end of this course we will be able to adapt teaching with technology and we will make the difference as teachers. This course will serve us as a great experience and as a modern method of teaching that every young learner or student is seeking. We will know how to make teaching as fun, entertaining and educative at the same time.

We as teachers should be the example that every learner must follow, that’s why we have to make learning not something that students must do but something that students enjoy doing. My opinion is that the educative process should be entertaining, so it can get students attention. How can the educative process can be entertaining? Of course by mixing it with technology because everything that has to do with technology is more interesting for all people. 

During this course we have deal with some assignments and also some platforms like webquest , penzu etc.  Personally I have had difficulties doing those because I did not have the right information, or maybe I did not know how to process with the assignments. For me it was overwhelming and really stressful. Also there were assignments that were easier and could be done without any effort. Overall it was a nice experience but it would have been better if there were less tasks so we could take our time to do one assignment in our best way.

The platforms were a challenge for me. The first platform that I opened was Blog. It took me three week or more to learn how to use it. Penzu was also a platform that we should write every week about the lessons we have had and what we have learned, our thoughts and our opinions. Web-quest is a platform that  I didn’t understand well but I would have loved to learn what I had to do. 

Here it comes my favorite part of the course. My presentation with Antonia. It was my first time teaching and I was really excited. It was an experience that I will keep in my mind for a long time. Me and Antonia taught Present simple and Present continuous. After we explained what present simple/continuous are, we explained where we can use these tenses and also its positive, negative, question form. After we gave a detailed explanation we made some exercises, firstly on the white board and then by using technology but we also handed to the students some papers with exercises. In my opinion we successfully realised this presentation, and I’m really proud of myself that I actually did a good job.  

In conclusion, there are some good tasks and also some challenging ones but regardless of all I’m sure that this course will help us in our experience as teachers. Adding that it will help us to deal with challenges and difficulties that we will be facing. Despite difficulties that i had I think that technology is a “must” to have during a lesson. All things that I have learned in this course I will apply in my classes because I truly believe that learning will be more effective if it is crosslinked with technology. 


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